
We, at synapticloop, like food, and we like recipes, and we are happy to share them with everybody. This is a simple recipe book creator (in PDF format) for both desktop and mobile platforms. This makes it easy to carry around and view at the times when you need it most.

Just want to see the output?

There are two file formats, the recipease.json file and the individual recipe.jsonfiles.


This file can actually be named anything that you want

This file is the main file which then references the individual recipes, collating them into a nice PDF document.

This file has the following layout:

  1. title The title for the recipe book
  2. image A nice image for the book (optional)
  3. sections The sections of the recipe book, each section has the following layout:
    1. title The title for the section, e.g. dinner, lunch, sides, cakes etc.
    2. image An (optional image) for the section
    3. recipes The recipes that belong in the section. All of the recipes are imported from separate files.

Note: All of the images that we have used are free stock photos from and which we thoroughly recommend.


These individual files can actually be named anything that you want

Each file is an individual recipe with the following sections:

  1. title The name of the recipe
  2. information Information about the recipe in key:value format
  3. ingredients The ingredients for the recipe
  4. directions The directions to make the recipe
  5. notes Any (possibly) interesting notes about the recipe