newznab Api
Easily query a NewzNab powered Usenet Indexer in Java. The API gives you programmatic access to the following functions:
Quick Start
import synapticloop.newznab.api.NewzNabApi;
import synapticloop.newznab.api.response.SearchResponse;
NewzNabApi newzNabApi = new NewzNabApi("YOUR_API_URL", "YOUR_API_KEY");
SearchResponse searchResponse ="something");
The newzNabApi
object contains all of the methods required to interact with the API. See the file for a semi-comprehensive runnable example.
Search the indexer, with paginated results. The search can be narrowed down to specific categories, or (if available) specific search functions can be used.
Various feeds, both personal and site wide
Personal feeds
- My Cart - All the items that you have added to your cart
- My Movies - The list of movies that you have saved in the 'My Movies' section
- My Shows - the list of TV shows that you have saved in the 'My Shows' section
Site wide feeds
- Movies - A list of the most recently indexed movies
- Audio - A list of the most recently indexed audio
- TV - A list of the most recently indexed TV Shows
- PC - A list of the most recently indexed PC (i.e. applications)
- Books - A list of the most recently indexed books
- Consoles - A list of the most recently indexed console games and utilities
- Other - A list of the most recently indexed other - those that could not be ascribed a category
- Site - A list of the most recently indexed NZBs from all categories
- XXX - A list of the most recently indexed adult content
Note that not all feeds may be available on all indexers
Add or list comments for indexed releases.
User functions
- Register
- User details
- Capabilities
- Cart Utilities