Search for indexed releases through a variety of methods.
Basic Search
The basic search method query)
will return a list of all of the matching releases that contains the query in a variety of fields and attributes (i.e. metadata).
By default all searches return 100 results, to iterate through them, the API allows an offset
parameter to retrieve further results.
import java.util.List;
import synapticloop.newznab.api.NewzNabApi;
import synapticloop.newznab.api.exception.NewzNabApiException;
import synapticloop.newznab.api.response.SearchResponse;
import synapticloop.newznab.api.response.model.Item;
public class SearchIteration {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, NewzNabApiException {
NewzNabApi newzNabApi = new NewzNabApi("YOUR_API_URL", "YOUR_API_KEY");
SearchResponse searchResponse = null;
// get the total number of results
Long total = Long.MAX_VALUE;
int offset = 0;
while(offset < total) {
searchResponse ="something", offset);
total = searchResponse.getTotal();
offset = offset + 100;
private static void printResults(SearchResponse searchResponse) {
List- items = searchResponse.getItems();
for (Item item : items) {
System.out.println("Found an item: " + item.getTitle());
To search with a category (or multiple categories) invoke the query, int offset, int[] categories)
import synapticloop.newznab.api.Category;
import synapticloop.newznab.api.NewzNabApi;
import synapticloop.newznab.api.exception.NewzNabApiException;
import synapticloop.newznab.api.response.SearchResponse;
public class Search {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, NewzNabApiException {
NewzNabApi newzNabApi = new NewzNabApi("YOUR_API_URL", "YOUR_API_KEY");
SearchResponse searchResponse ="something", 0, new int[] {
// now do something with the results
Specific Search
Some indexers also support more specific (or targeted searches) with additional options that are only pertinent to the category.
this relies on the functionality of the indexer to be present, and that the lookups on the releases can be found.
The book search allows search by title and author
The music search allows search by year, label, album, artist and track
The TV search allows search by episode and season numbers along with identifiers from popular TV index sites (TV Rage, TV Maze, TVDB)
The movie search allows search by genre and the IMBD id
import synapticloop.newznab.api.NewzNabApi;
import synapticloop.newznab.api.exception.NewzNabApiException;
import synapticloop.newznab.api.response.SearchResponse;
public class SpecificSearch {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, NewzNabApiException {
NewzNabApi newzNabApi = new NewzNabApi("YOUR_API_URL", "YOUR_API_KEY");
// use the Book Search
SearchResponse searchBook = newzNabApi.searchBook(
"query", // the search term
0, // the offset for the result
100, // the maximum number of results to return
"this is the title", // the title of the book
"author's name", // the author
100, // the maximum number of days to search back for
false, // whether to delete from the cart
false // whether to return extended attributes in the results
// use the Movies Search
"query", // the search term
"genre", // the genre of the film
0, // the offset for the result
100, // the maximum number of results to return
100, // the maximum number of days to search back for
"imdbId", // the imdbId
false, // whether to delete from the cart
false // whether to return extended attributes in the results
// use the TV Search
"query", // the search term
1, // the season
1,// the episode
0, // the offset for the result
100, // the maximum number of results to return
100, // the maximum number of days to search back for
100, // the rage Id,
100, // the tvdb Id,
100, // the tv Maze Id,
false, // whether to delete from the cart
false // whether to return extended attributes in the results
"query", // the search term
0, // the offset for the result
100, // the maximum number of results to return
"album", // the album
"artist", // the artist
"label", // the label
"track", // the track
2000, // the year of release
new String[0], // the genres to search within
new int[0] , // the array of categories
100, // the maximum number of days to search back for
false, // whether to delete from the cart
false // whether to return extended attributes in the results